Ameson and the CBCF Emerging Leaders Delegation — Ambassador Year in China

The Ameson Foundation welcomed the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Emerging Leaders Delegation to our Shanghai location in late June. The delegates started their two-week program in Washington DC, and then traveled through China. This trip allowed them to see an international, non-profit organization in both of it's operating countries. 

Emerging leaders learned about several programs within the organization, and more broadly about cultural and educational exchange between America and China. 

The delegation’s 20 participants are all top students hailing from districts represented by a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and were chosen after a rigorous selection process. These receptions mark the second year that Ameson has networked with delegates and hosted opportunities for exchanging ideas about global race relations, personal growth, and international business.

"According to a recent study conducted by the Institute of International Education only 5% of Americans who study abroad are black. The Ameson Foundation supports the CBCF in their initiative to increase career and study options involving Sino-American relations and to expand opportunities for African Americans in an era of increasing globalization." -Ameson Foundation, Washington DC

You can read more about their trip on the Ameson Foundation's website

